I have today uploaded an image of D.H.Lawrence as a young man for your general enjoyment. Being in Black and White is appropriate as that was my impression of him before recently read his most famous book-Lady Chatterleys' Lover.
I had previously, in high school, read Sons and Lovers. A book that left no impression on me whatsoever. Hence I had the impression that he was a boring writer not relevent to a young 2008 stud like myself. A few months ago I was in Chatswood library and saw a nice new copy of lady Chatterley's Lover so I thought I'd give it a go.
I loved it. I found it a riveting read.
It's most famous as a book that was banned because of it's explicit sexual content, but it has a lot more to offer than just that. It's beautifully written and must have been ahead of it's time as it reads like a novel that was written in 2008. In it Lawrence rages against the life of England in the 1920's. Against life in a northern English coal mining town. Against sexual inhibitions and against the futility of the recently fought W.W.I.
What I loved about his writing was it's directness and the way he makes complex observations about human behaviour in an understandable way. You know just what he's talking about. Another writer would waffle on in a way that you would have an Idea of what he meant but would not be sure. With Lawrence his observations are so deep and complex but perfectly clear.
He alsohas a lot of descriptive passages about the setting of the novel. Such as the manor house where lady chatterley lives, the grim mining community nearby, the forests around the manor house. They are all beautifully expressed. You really feel you are there. He avoids all cliches in his descriptions, they are wonderfully evocative
Although it has a positive ending most of the book is extremely grim and I like that about it. He is committed to expressing the truth as he sees it even though as we know now that will mean the banning of the book for many years to come.
I would recommend this book to any adult or teenager. It is much more than you might think.
I too read sons and lovers and had a similar reaction to DH Lawrence, although perhaps not from the prespective of a young 2008 stud.I am inspired to try again.
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