De.licio.us is a site that lets you bookmark websites online. It is useful for people who do not use the same computer for all there internet use which, lets face it, is most of us. It's also has a neat function that allows you to look at other people's bookmark sites. I guess that's where the name 'social bookmarking' comes in. Each of your bookmarks has tags which can be displayed as a list, in bundles or in a 'tag cloud'. You can look at other people's sites with similar tags, and it tells you how many people have used the same tags. The tag cloud is similar to the aqua browser at Queens library network(NY) although it's more static. I would like to see it more like the aqua browser. It interestingly makes tags which appear more than once bigger, which I liked.
I like the way you can, in effect, look over people's shoulders and see their bookmarks. I think it's a great way to find relevant websites. It's a bit like cheating on an exam, looking at other people's work. I can see how it would be helpful for researchers. You can be isolated and connected at the same time in a way.
I still can't get a Youtube video onto my blog. Does anyone have any suggestions?
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